Become a Member
We invite people to join Calvary as a member, as together we seek to be a Christ-like community that experiences and shares God's love. The primary means of joining the church is to present yourself for membership during the Time of Response near the end of Sunday morning worship so that we can introduce you and celebrate your decision together as a church community. However, you may also complete a membership card and place it in the offering plate or contact one of the pastors.
We believe joining a congregation looks different for everyone. We do not require people to be church members to participate in Calvary's ministries. The one exception is service as a Deacon, which requires church membership.
How to Become a Member:
Reaffirmation of Baptism
You are reaffirming your baptism from another church of any Christian tradition.
When you are baptized at Calvary you become a member as well. However, baptism is not a prerequisite for membership ... all are welcome to join us in mission and ministry.
Reaffirmation of Faith
When coming to Calvary you reaffirm your faith in Jesus Christ based on previous Christian experience.
Statement of Faith
You believe that the teachings of Jesus are what you wish to follow in your life and believe that Calvary is the church community for you to practice discipleship.
Transfer of Letter
If you are coming from another church and wish to transfer membership, you can request a transfer of letter from your previous church and submit it to the church office.